4-H Foundation Picture Library
2019 Annual Recognition Banquet
The Patron Award winners received certificates for reaching the level of $100 or more in monetary contributions. Pictured from left to right is Dennis and Ellen DeLay, Mason and Lisa Lee, Deborah and Dale Heideman, Gayla Morgan for the Albert Morgan Memorial, and Mindy Andres.
Valerie and Jeff Woodall received the Bronze Award for reaching the level of $500 or more in monetary contributions.
Silver Award plaque winners were left to right: Suzanne Hokett accepting the award for Donna Muller Memorial, Tom and Diane Jernigan, and Merry and Charles Rayl. These recipients reached the level of $1000 or more in monetary contributions over the years.
original incorporator of the
Morris County 4-H Foundation.
He is the last of five incorporators.

Mr. Peterson was a special guest
at the recent annual
recognition banquet.
Larry Johnson, the
Foundation President,
is on the left.