Kansas State Fair - September 6 - 15, 2024

Website: www.kansasstatefair.com

Simplified version of the 2019 State Fair Ticket Order Form ( PDF )
(form and payment must be turned into the Extension Office prior to August 5 at 5 pm)

Video Guideline for "Look, Listen and Learn" ( PDF )

KJLS & KSF Livestock Nomination Information

Grand Drive entries for the Kansas State Fair are due by July 15th and KJLS entries are due August 15th . More information below.

*Pre-Entries: In order to exhibit projects at the Kansas State Fair, 4-Hers must be 9 years old by January 1, 2024. Livestock entries must have met nomination deadlines. For other projects, 4-Hers must receive a purple ribbon at the county fair and there must be a class available at the State Fair. Even though exhibits may be eligible for the State Fair, they must be pre-entered in the Extension Office.

*Three visual arts exhibits will be selected at the county fair to represent Morris County at the State Fair. Even though these exhibits are selected at the county level, they still must be pre-entered. Visual arts entries are for display purposes only and will be given a participation ribbon; no premium money will be awarded.

**Those wishing to sign up for State Fair Entries
can do so at the County Fair.**

Look for purple display in the concession/food area at the fair.

Please note the following entry deadlines:

July 15: Kansas State Fair (Grand Drive) entries for beef, sheep, swine, and meat goats are due to the Kansas State Fair Office. These entries must have a county agent’s signature. Instructions for online registration can be found here: http://www.kansasstatefair.com/p/exhibitors/livestock-competitions/377

August 1: Horse entries with fees are due to the Kansas State Fair Office. These entries must have a county agent’s signature.

August 10: All other 4-H State Fair pre-entries are due to the Extension Office. Demonstration and Fashion Revue entries must also be pre-entered and are due by August 10 at 5 pm.