What is 4-H Cloverbuds?
4-H Cloverbuds is an educational, youth development opportunity specifically for 5- and 6-year-old children. The 4-H Cloverbuds program is an optional 4-H program.
Who can be a 4-H Cloverbud?
To be eligible to participate, a child must have celebrated his or her 5th or 6th birthday before January 1 of the current year. When a child reaches the age of eligibility for traditional 4-H programs (age 7 or older), the child and his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) can decide whether to transition their child into 4-H club membership.
Can 4-H Cloverbuds select a 4-H project to complete?
No, 4-H Cloverbuds is activity-focused, meaning that 4-H Coverbuds participate in supervised, noncompetitive, and age-appropriate events and activities, rather than projects.
Why is the 4-H Cloverbuds Program activities-based rather than project-based?
Developmentally appropriate activities for 5- and 6-year-olds focus on processes that help a child begin building life skills, such as learning to learn and making friends. The curriculum for 4-H Cloverbuds is designed to help youth begin building a foundation of transferable skills that he or she will be able to apply to a variety of activities as they grow.
Are project records kept?
Projects are not part of the 4-H Cloverbuds curriculum, keeping a record book is not necessary.
Can 4-H Cloverbuds exhibit at the county fair and/or participate in shows and exhibitions?
4-H Cloverbuds are encouraged to showcase a product, poster or notebook of 4-H Cloverbuds activities. Suggested locations include noncompetitive show-and-tell-type displays at county fairs, libraries, schools, 4-H Parents’ Nights, 4-H Achievement Nights, churches, community festivals, parades, etc.
Goals for Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds
- Self-understanding skills (Initiating independence and self-direction)
- Social skills (Getting along with others)
- Decision-making skills (Making positive choices)
- Learning skills (Learning to learn)
- Mastering physical skills (Enjoying constructive and creative play)
Principles for Kansas 4-H Cloverbuds
- Fun
- Activity focused
- Noncompetitive
- Group-centered learning
- Leader directed
- Positive
- Success oriented
Cloverbud & Family Resources
Cloverbud Leaders
Samantha Sharp
Pam Smith
Cloverbuds Christmas Party
The Cloverbuds had a great time playing games and having fun at their Christmas party!
Cloverbuds Collected Donations
The Morris County Cloverbuds collected 254 items to donate to Care and Share this year. Way to go!!