Event Applications/Registrations

NE Area 4-H Leadership Event (NELE)

4-H members 12 to 18 are invited to the NE Region 4-H Leadership Event (NELE)NELE is led by the Northeast Region Youth Council representatives. Delegates can sign up for multiple classes. Registration includes lunch, snack, and a t-shirt. Don't miss this opportunity to meet new people, learn new leadership skills, and enjoy fun classes!

Horse Panorama

When: January
Where: Rock Springs 4-H Center
Who: All competitive events are open to those 4-H members that are age 9 as of December 31, and not past age 19 as of December 31, that 4-H year.

Horse Quiz Bowl encourages young people to develop knowledge of equine-related subject matter. This contest develops alertness,
self-confidence, and knowledge in a competitive setting, surrounded by an attitude of friendliness and fairness.

Senior Quiz Bowl members need to sign-up as a team with all members age 14 by December 31. The senior teams will competitive in a double elimination bracket.

Open Quiz Bowl is available for all youth participants. Those youth registering for Open Quiz Bowl will be randomly put on teams with other youth from across the state for a fun, educational experience.

Hippology is an educational activity for youth who wish to demonstrate their knowledge of equine-related subject matter in a friendly, competitive setting. This contest enhances decision-making and provides an opportunity for the participants to work cooperatively with others.

4-H Horse Panorama offers learning for young and old! Don’t delay.

YQCA Trainin g

YQCA stands for Youth for the Quality Care of Animals. Any individual that plans to show market animals, commercial breeding females, and/or purebred breeding females at the Kansas State Fair or Kansas Junior Livestock Show must be YQCA certified to participate.

An agent will be hosting training sessions for those needing to become YQCA certified! Anyone is welcome to attend a training session to become certified! Each session will be held in the Morris County Courthouse Meeting Room. The dates are:Listed in the District newsletter. You do not have to attend more than one training sessions. Only attend the session that works best with your schedule.

Use the link https://yqca.learngrow.io/Account/Login to register online for which training you would like to attend. The cost of the training is $3 which you will pay online when you register. Please use your 4-H Online login information to sign up for the training.

For questions, please contact the Extension office

Kansas Junior Producer Days

The Kansas Junior Producer Days are usually scheduled for February and March. Junior Beef Producer Day and Junior Sheep Producer Day are held durring even years and Junior Swine Producer Day and Junior Meat Goat Producer Day are held durring the odd years. They are generaly held in February and March respectively. All junior day programs will be in the Department of Animal Sciences and Industry's Weber Hall on the K-State campus. These events are one-day educational opportunities for youth, parents, agents, and project leaders to learn about various aspects of livestock project selection and management.

An optional Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) session will be held at the conclusion of both Junior Days. This will be an opportunity for youth to obtain their YQCA certification through an instructor-led session if they cannot attend one of Shannon’s trainings. The Kansas State Fair Grand Drive and KJLS will require all exhibitors to be YQCA certified for the State shows. Additional information will be emailed to those who indicate through their junior day registration that they plan to attend the YQCA session, as participation will require an additional step.

Families have the option to mail in their junior day registration, or complete it online. The cost for each junior day is $15 per person for those who register by the early deadline, and $20 per person for those who register after the deadline. Please note, any registrations received after the deadline will not be guaranteed a t-shirt.

If you have any questions, please contact Chelsea at the office at 620-273-6491 or chelse1@ksu.edu or Lexie Hayes, Youth Livestock Coordinator, at adhayes@ksu.edu or 785-532-1264.

State 4-H and Open Equifest Judging Contest

When: March
Where: Salina
Who: 4-H members 9-18 years of age before January 1,


Kansas 4-H Scholarship https://www.kansas4-h.org/resources/awards-and-recognition/scholarships.html


Kansas 4-H Scholarship Here
Contact Cottonwood Falls office for due date.